Friday, February 24, 2012

10 Things Friday, Travel Edition

We're off tomorrow morning, so this week's ten things Friday all have to do about traveling.
1-Bags are packed.. (humming-I'me ready to go...)
2-Home with a nasty bug today. I hope I feel better tomorrow and Dave doesn't get this.
3-Got to run Harley to the doggie hotel/kennel today. That is one of the hardest parts of leaving.
4-Got the mail held at the PO. Took care of the bills that needed to be paid from this week's pay check, and did sign up for the new Online Card Class.
5- Got the travel supplies squared away- you know, the little toothpastes, shampoos.
6- Pack my camera, my chargers, my iPad,the Darwin book I have yet to finish, the travel guides...
7- Read the travel guides so I have a general idea what we want to do...(Hate to miss something just because I didn't know about it but don't want to be locked into the tight schedule). Love the surprises you discover once you get someplace and start doing things and discovering things...
8-Got the house squared away- bought the cat food so the kitties can get feed by Katie's boyfriend when we're gone, got the laundry caught up so we could pack those comfy clothes, bird feeders are filled, plants have been watered...
9- Dug out a bathingsuit, a pair of sandals, some capri pants and one pair of shorts...just in case.
10-Am printing out the boarding passes, Dave can think about the car, but I got the passports out and packed, tomorrow is suppose to be nice...hard to think snow when we've had all this mild weather lately.

Wow...getting ready for a week of relaxation is a lot of work.

And for my photo of the day
I took this photo last winter vacation when we took a little day drive from Vegas out to Lake Mead, Hoover Dam and down to the Colorado River. We ended up back in Vegas after several days in Death Valley, and truthfully, Vegas seemed like a crowd after spending 4 days in the wonderful space of Death Valley.
It was a great trip-hopefully this one will be as great!

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