Thursday, February 23, 2012

Busy bee

Good morning! Writing this at work since my blogger at home doesn't seem to be working quite so well. Or at least it wasn't last night. It told me I needed Google Chrome which I downloaded and then it still told me I needed Google Chrome...well I will have more time tonight to play with it-had bookclub last night and plus needed to get 3 tests/quizzes ready for today- it's the right before vacation work blast, plus do a few other chores like pay bills, wash those clothes you need to know what I mean. Went to bed in running- check off the list mode- and woke up that way too...had to finish those tests first thing this morning...but now they are finished and I am taking a few minutes to clear my head!!!!!
Giant Sahuaros
So I can't wait to see something like this...
In 2 days we leave. Saturday should be nice but tomorrow they are saying SNOW in the morning figures. I hope for at least a delay but I would take a snow day...
Not that I want to make it up in June but I would LOVE a snow day to do some mental and physical catching up before I leave.
I will let you know what happens in the weather front...
Thanks for visiting...

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