Friday, February 17, 2012

10 Things Friday

Another Friday has arrived-and it is time for

1- I survived parent's open house last night (me being the teacher, not the parent) and the best news is that they are done for this entire school year!!!!!
2-It is Friday, unfortunately not a pay day Friday, but still, the end of the work week. Tomorrow I can hang home or go out and sleep in or get up or whatever my mood decides.
3-One more week of school until we have our winter vacation. A week from tomorrow Dave and I are off on our little vacation to Arizona.
4-I have travel bug disease so badly right now. I can't wait to hop onto that plane and go away for a bit.
5-I think we have a Maine hockey game on tv tonight-I hope- since we may not get to see them play for the rest of this season (unless they make the semi-finals in hockey east). I'd love to see them play on tv tonight- what a good Friday night activity. I hope they WIN both nights this weekend too so they keep their ranking up and increase the chances they'll make it to the hockey east semi-finals where we will be on March 16th.
6-This weekend we have to have the BIG talk with our daughter who wants to move into an apartment at school next year- which is ok- but with her boyfriend-which we are not so sold on yet since she is only 20 and is an engineering major and she hopes (I believe) we pay her rent. Which we don't think is what we should do. (You know, if you're old enough to move in with the boyfriend you don't need your parents to support you). I don't want her to feel she has to work a lot to pay for rent, since she is in a hard major and this is the time she should concentrate on school and not working all the time.
I am dreading this conversation since she is going to get all mad at us, I know.
We do like her boyfriend by the way!
6-By 5:30 pm and by 6:30 am is not yet dark and getting light, respectively. I can drive both ways to and from work without my headlights on. I must say I loved that!
7-We've had some more days that feel like March and boy does that make me HAPPY! I am so ready for spring.
8-Katie's coming home this weekend. That always makes me happy (even though we have to do the big talk).
9-Quiet weekend ahead.  New Amazing Race starts Sunday night. Want to work in the studio. Trying to be money conservative so I have some extra cash on our trip. Got to get out my suitcase and pack a few things I don't want to forget. Relax.A good weekend in my book.
10-Everyone at school is getting sick-why is it these colds always go around right before break? Last year I left on vacation with a good old head cold. A few years back I had a massive case of bronchitis right before vacation. I want to stay HEALTHY. Taking my vitamins-especially my vitamin C and my zinc.

And photos for the week-
Still Photoshopping my Death Valley photos- that place has some awesome light and I have tons of photos I want to print for my scrap-journal.  These are from Feb. 2011-as Dave and I went there last February vacation. So here's a few of my Death Valley photos...

Have a great day!

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