Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dreaded Day

Tonight is parent's open house at school, a night I always dread and will be glad when it is over. It is a long day...basically I'll be at work until 8 p.m. tonight, except for a couple of hours off after school. Good news is we go get dinner as a department which is great and at least it is on a Thursday night and tomorrow is Friday!!! Hurray!!!! But it is so stressful to be on for never know if you get a crabby one. Sometimes you just get blank faces and sometimes you get nice complements.
I will just have to wait and see.
So today a few more snippets of scrap journal pages from last summer. Not whole pages...just bits.
This page is made with some October Afternoon paper (a ripped 8x8 sheet), some 7Gypsies tape and tag, on the tag used some Postmodern Stamps to stamp in the word Duck-a great play on words for duck, to watch you head, and sicne the sign is in Duck, NC...what more can you say? I added an arrow from some paper line-perhaps Scenic Route, a page from an old book with some hearts punched out of it, and I recycled some blue rickrack trim with red Viva paint dots on it that I made for another project and didn't like. But it words here. Oh yeah, and some scraps of green graphie looking paper.
Here I used some red flowered paper-red to match the house roof. I added and outlined the photo. Then I stamped and embossed the deal design (Jennie Bowlin) but made it more into a sun for my purposes. I attached. I added some red tape (Martha Stewart0, some Viva red paintpen dots, some more dots I punched out, a postcard from Tweety Jill's seaside paper pack and my hand designed postage stamp on the postcard, and finally I stamped some starfish (Fred Mullett) and cut them out and attached.
Lastly, this photo which isn't such a great one but I loved the close up of the pelican. He is boxed in with a 7Gypsies stamp. I doodled the letters for the words in black and colored them in with a white pen. I drew the circles with black Sharpie and colored them with blue and green Copics. I added some Viva Paint pen dots and a paper  arrow (like in the top page), and then I lightly spritzed the edges with some Tattered Angels.
That is my art for today...a rainy (I hope and NOT snowy) Thursday when I have parents night and no studio time at all.
I hope I have a good day.
Hope your day is fantastic!
I really mean that too!

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