Monday, February 13, 2012

Another Week Begins

Weekends fly by just way too fast, don't they? And this week will be a busy one.
But...only 10 more days of work until we leave for our trip to Arizona to be in some sun, some warmer (I hope) temperatures and new places to explore. I was checking out and it looks like the temperature most days in Tuscon has been in the high sixties-my kind of temperatures!
I am just a little bit excited!
Busy planning my July trip to the Rockie Mountains of Montana, Alberta and British Columbia too.
Oh the winter hibernation mode is going away and travel fever has hit me!
So I've been back to finishing up my travel scrap-journal from last summer when we went to North Carolina and the Outer Banks for a week. I had a lot done on it but then stopped and put it aside to work on my holiday journal and to make a bunch of cards...but now I am back trying to wrap it up before we head out on vacation.
This page kind of photographed can see shadows of the backside, but I used a bunch of Tattered Angels and Adirondack spray inks. Then I put on this fun sticker I bought on vacation and added some Viva sand paint which is very cool since it has sand in it and actually sticks on the page. I punched out a few crabs from an old book page (Martha Stewart punch) and also added a Darcies pin. Then I journaled all around the edge of the page.

Here's a close up.

Here's a tag I made. I used a black tag and some striped October Afternoon paper. I also used a few scraps to embossed textured cardstock. On top of all this I attached a ticket from when we went up to the top of the Cape Hatteras lighthouse.
Then I used an October Afternoon sticker tag and wrote in the words. Now time for a spray with some Tattered Angels. Then I added the ahoy there sticker (October Afternoon), the red Viva paintpen dots around the tag, some red string (Martha Stewart), a Darcie's metal pin with crabs and 3 little paper clips. Oh yes, and I used a white pen around the edges of the black tag.

And lastly for today...I BIG photo that I didn't cut and left on the paper I printed it on. I added this Technique Tuesday paper ring I had which I patially wrapped in 7Gyspies paper tape. I put some bronze Viva paint dots on the inside of the ring and then added a Darcie's pin.
Here's a close up.

I know, lots in today's post. Anything to make me mentally go someplace outside of the cold and colorless winter. You do kind of get sick of it by this time of February. That's why I do need to go somewhere on my February school break.
As Dave said yesterday, a long time still before we can go boating or jet-skiing.
I know that.
Well, happy Monday...have a good start to your week...and I'll see you one tomorrow.

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