Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sending Love to You

The hairdresser next to the post office here in my town often has these fun  signs outside her door. I found this one yesterday- and it is just perfect for today.
I love reading signs.

After I left the postoffice (mailed my little girl a box with some snacks for her at college), I had an interesting trip home. I came across this flock of turkeys that didn't want to get out of the road.
Here they are again!!!
You just never know what you'll find-it's all an adventure isn't it?
I love adventures.
Always looking for one!
So today, we celebrate love. I love my husband and my daughter. I love my dog and my 2 cats. I love my mother and brother. I love my life. I love my friends. I love making art. I love to travel and read and take photos. I love my house and my gardens. I love myself. I love being happy, and I am a pretty happy person.
I can't say I am a huge Valentine's day person though. I mean I like it, but I don't need to be buttered up with flowers or candy or gifts.
Not that I dislike getting flowers or candy or gifts.
Au contraire.
Anyhow, enough talk about love.
How about some love-ly art.

I started with white cardstock that I ended up inking to make the backrgound. Actually, I messed up stamping the background and decided just to ink it and cover it over. I did that by cutting out some designed office style paper, rounding the corners and then spraying it with a couple of shades of Tattered Angels. After it dried I stamped the little XOXO image all over it in pink. (I believe from an older Martha Stewart clear stamp set). Then I added the pink eyelets in the corners and the black paper tape (SMASH book supplies). The big red heart which I just love is from Magenta. I won it as part of a small lot of stamps on eBay, and it wasn't one I would have bid on, but once I used it, I loved it. I stamped it with red on white paper and then cut it out and attched it to the background paper.
The  with another Martha Stewart stamp from the same old clear set I stamped the be mine in red. Finally I stamped the saying in black (Technique Tuesday Studio AE for Feb. 2012) and attacehd that in the corner. Romantic and grungy all together-my style all the way.
So I will leave you on this most romantic of days with a little stamped saying from my Valentine's journal I made
Stamp credit-Hero Arts.

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