Friday, March 16, 2012

10 Things Friday

Time for this week's 10 things Friday again.

1- Tonight we have the BIG Hockey East semi-final game at 8 o'clock in Boston. What an exciting season this has been this year for us, never mind the team. We started hanging out more with Dave's sister and her husband, we've seen Maine play a lot more by going to some venues in the Boston area like Merrimack College that we hadn't been too before, had that exciting game at Fenway Park in a warm January night (could it get any better than that?) and now my first play-off game. We risked buying tickets a month ago that Maine would make it and they did!!! How exciting is that?
2- I hope I can report back tomorrow with exciting results!
3- Dave has had another bad week at work and there does come a point where even though you are thankful for a job it is tough to stick it out. I think he and the new owner will never see eye to eye. I feel so bad for him because let's face it, you spend too much time at work to be so miserable. I think he will start looking for something new...which is stressful in itself. I will continue to worry about him until he gets things squared away.
4- This is the last full week of winter. And what a mild, warm and almost snow free one it has been. Spring starts on the 20th which is next Tuesday.
5- I only have 2 weeks of teaching left to this quarter. Hard to believe how fast third quarter is flying by. Then we will be into 4th That means Easter isn't all that far off either.
6-Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day. Using in New England that is our change over date- when March becomes more lamb like than lion like. Well, I say that but we have had big early spring storms so we are not out of the woods.
But a Top of the Morning to you!
7- The kids at school have today off and we have a teacher workday. I will be out a bit early since I am heading off for the hockey games tonight.
8-Yawn. Getting up this week is so hard to do. I'm so awake at night....but getting up what seems like an hour earlier is killing me. Seems like first I had the Arizona time change to get used to, then the back to work after vacation to get used to and now this time change. My body doesn't know what to do.
9- So this week we had pi day -3/14 (which is appropriately Einstein's birthday), the Ides of March-3/15, St. Patrick's Day-3/17 and next Tuesday is the first day of spring. 3/20. That's a lot of days within a week.
10-Not the best studio week. I did a few scrap journal pages early in the week, was doing some pages of our visit to the NASCAR Hall of Fame last summer when we were in North Carolina,  that was so much fun pulling out some of my car stamps. But Katie came home Wed. night and  I've hung out with her the last 2 nights. Plus this time change has been such a killer-never mind our cloudy and damp weather the last 2 days which is enough to make you want to sleep all day.

And for a couple photos... we're back to Arizona!
And here's a wild west photo. This is a scene inside the BirdCage Theatre in Tombstone. Kind of expensive and very touristy, but you have to do it when you make your first (and maybe only) trip to this classic wild west towns. As they say, the town that wouldn't die.
They have this buffalo too!
And the famous OK Corral.
And the downtown Main St. Not sure if this is a real old west town or just for tourists...but here it is.
Happy Friday!!!

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