Saturday, March 17, 2012

Last of the Travel Journal AND some more....

(just to let you know, this is a LONG post)H
Here's a few more pages from my Arizona travel journal. One of these days I will scrapjournal lots of my photos and show you those, but these are the last of my journal I take with me on the trip.
Top page: I used a 7Gypsies book paper and stamped the design across the top and bottom (Earth Art International) and then colored it with colored pencils.I stamped the going places image (Hero Arts I believe). The map is cut out from a travel brochure showing our driving the last day of our vacation in Arizona when we went from Bisbee to Tombstone to Tucson and finally up to Phoenix. In Phoenix we went downtown to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner, the flag is off my burger and the pin is from a small set of 4 pins I bought in the store. You can see a couple of copper spiral paper clips and I did some journaling on the page.
This page is mostly the little folder our hotel key card  came in. We ended up staying here since we had to fly at 10 a.m. and wanted to be near the airport so the morning wouldn't be a totally crazy scene. Inside this was a pocket for the key card which I used to hold a tag I made, which is right below here.
On the tag there is an October Afternoon tag (though sprayed with Tattered Angels and inked with some brown ink) and also by them a small metal button. I also used some ribbon and some bakers twine and really spelled Phoenix wrong.
Here's my travel home page, which I really am happy with. I used a 7Gypsies paper and stamped the biplane-River City Rubber Works, and also added the fringe trim. I used a 7Gyspies tag with a space for journaling. Then I attached my checked luggage tag, an October Afternoon sticker and stamped on that the coffee ring from Stamp Francisco.
And here's a double spread. On the left  stamped the heart image (one of my new Bisbee stamps) and added the word stickers from Hot Off the Press. On the right page I created a small collage-7Gyspies tape down the edge of the paper...a Time Holtz Sizzix mobile-distressed-I made the windows blue because we had so much blue sky, I added a clear travel tag, a bought die cut with the scenic route words and then 2 cacti I stamped, colored and cut out (Earth Art International). Finally I stamped an old PSX stamp that says are we there yet? You can see I did some journaling on that page.
OK, now for some important news!!!
First of all, my most important sign of spring- I heard the phoebe chirping outside this morning when I woke up at 6. There is  a pair or 2 of these birds that nest under the eaves of my husband workshop in our out-building, and they are a sure sign of spring for me. Really early this year too, since last year I didn't hear them until April 3rd. You can tell we're having a really warm March this year.

And yesterday late afternoon I went into Boston-Dave and myself, my sister-in-law Laurie and her husband Bob along with their 22 year old daughter Caryn who works in nearby Cambridge.  First we went over to the North End for some pizza and cannolis.  The North End of Boston is a really old part of the city that became a place where there are lots of YUMMY Italian restaurants...narrow streets, delicious food, bakeries.
We had pizza here- it is a really little crowded styled in the 1920's place and the pizza was fantastic. You could smell the basil. Love that smell, it is so much like summer.
And then we went to a pre-game party-as you can tell- our Boston trip was for a hockey game-the Hockey East semi-finals...Maine versus Boston University. One of the bars near the Boston Garden was closed except to Maine alumni and friends and it was cool to be in a 3 level bar that was packed with Maine people!
Here's the face off!
Game on.
At least 60% of the fans had blue on and the noise for Maine was fantastic and the players had to love the size of their following. Of course Maine  fans are some of the best in league!
Notice the final score!!!!!!!!!
W're actually going back into Boston tonight for the final championship game. Not that I want to get home at 2 a.m. again or make the 2 hour trek into the city again BUT gotta go. How can you not? Maine will be playing BC and it will be a tough game but we can win it...we beat them twice this year. And not only do I want Maine to win BUT I also want to knock BC out of another championship. And if we didn't go and they do win, it would be crushing!
And here's a group photo of the 4 of us in a  penalty box. We had these super club seats and all along that floor the Garden has this cool museum of old Boston sports items. 
You can see we are all showing our Maine colors boldly!
Go MAINE!!! Go Black Bears!!!!! Beat BC tonight!!!!!

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