Monday, March 12, 2012

Another Beautiful Day on Tap

Here's a few more travel journal pages to show you. I started with a 7Gypsies page and I stamped the binoculars with the explore word in the bottom right corner. The image is from Autumn Leaves.
The old west picture is from Tombstone, Arizona which we visited....I cut it out from a brochure I picked up. I had a bunch of wild west stickers I bought last summer when I got to visit an Archiver's Store for the first time. I added them to the page just because they page really needed them, and plus we did see the OK Corral.
Here's a page I made when I got home to cover the back of another page. I covered the page with some October Afternoon paper and then I took another October Afternoon paper from the Sasparilla set and cut out the words, the cowboy and the arrow. I did use some7Gypsies tape at the bottom of the page and also some blue Viva paint pen dots. You can see the old timey fringe which hangs down from the back side of this page.
This is a double spread. The left page is the back if my tombstone page. I had stamped the feathers (Earth Art International) before we left and added the cards (October Afternoon Sasparilla set) and the metal key when we got home. I journaled around the edge of the page when we got home. The right hand side is a page from 7Gypsies where I stamped the on the road saying (Hero Arts) on the top and taped down my receipt from buying my National Park Pass for 2012. I used the paper clips on the side more for artistic looks. I have since also added a sticker that says "Stop I need a photo" over the printed ion letters that came on the paper ...the sticker if from an older October Afternoon sticker set I found. And since I had to stop to snap so many is perfect.
Finally for today's art, here's a tag (on left) that I die cut with my Sizzix and then took a paper punch and punched the holes on each of the scallops. I included a small cut out in the middle about the Saguaro cacti and then stamped some of my new trip stamps . I then used some brown ink and colored the page.  On the right is a postcard tag I included. This is the back side of of a postcard, I stamped the saying (Stamper's Anonymous) and the cacti (Earth Art International) that colored with colored pencils. Then I wrote in some notes while traveling.

So yesterday was so great I had the back door open and my bedroom windows. They say today will even be nicer. It was a quiet day puttering around the house for my new workbench put up in my studio but never did really make it into the studio to do any work...but I guess I didn't really mind so much since it was beautiful and I wanted a little fresh air and I wanted to do a few little chores. I will say the time change threw me off too! One thing I wanted to do but never motivated myself enough to do was vacuum my car, but it is on the list of chores. Seems like at this time of year you either have to live with the dried sandy mud or vacuum every day. Since this whole week is suppose to be beautiful temperature wise  and now be lighter a whole lot later in the evening, I may get to it one night after work...after all, one can't waste a whole weekend doing chores, can they? Plus I needed to rest up to watch the hockey game and be ready for another week at work.
And on the hockey game news:
it was the MOST stressful game ever....
but even though we had the awful ref and he tried really hard to make it so Maine wouldn't win
WE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We won 2-1.
Should have been 3-1, but right now that doesn't matter.
So Friday I get to see my Alma mater play hockey against BU at the Boston TD Garden.
I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited!
It was on my bucket list for my 52cd year!
I am writing this Sunday night when of course I am wound up from the game and with the time change tomorrow morning is going to be so terrible getting up. 
Actually, I would love to take a day off from work this week but it just won't happen, unfortunately. I got a lot going on at work this week.
Happy Monday everyone.
Hope your week starts off with a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com


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