Sunday, March 11, 2012

Time Change and a few other items

Last night we changed the clocks-spring ahead. Man this hour later thing is throwing me off this morning. Tonight I'll be up later-though I LOVE the longer nights, and tomorrow morning it will be brutal!
Will get used to it I guess.
Last night's hockey game was crushing. I hope things go better tonight-last of a 3 series game at 7 p.m.
Yesterday Dave and I went on a shopping bonanza during the day-Costco, Trader Joe's, my fav craft store, Harbor Freight Tools-here's I got for my belated birthday gift-my new work surface for my studio
60" Hardwood Workbench with 4 Drawers
Copied this from the website for Harbor Freight Tools. I don't need the skill saw, but am waiting for Dave to come home from the dump so we can set it up!!!!
Had it on sale plus a coupon so we got an extra $15 off. I am very pleased.
Then we went to Dave's sister's house for dinner and the crushing hockey game. 
Today it is gorgeous, sunny, warming up. I finally unloaded the car since we didn't get home until around 11 last night. Put my groceries away. Then I plan on going into the studio...have lots and lots of crafty ideas in my head right now.
More than I can even do in 1 day.
100 Fresh and Fun Handmade Cards: Easy-to-Follow Instructions for 50 New Designs, 50 Amazing Alternatives
I picked up this book at my fav craft store yesterday...I have been wanting to try my hand at pop-up cards. Looked through it this morning, need to do some more looking, but looks like  a fun book with lots of card styles I want to try.
OK, and now a couple of more travel journal pages.
This is the simplest of them all. I added this cool post card I found at Saguaro Park West. All I needed to do was punch the holes to put it in.
Here's another very very simple page. This is a 7Gypsies page which I stamped the 2 red flower clusters on each corner (Earth Art International). The photo is a beer bottle label from a brew I tried ( I like to try new beers)  and I cut the old Bisbee words from a brochure I picked up.
And here's the last page in my book...not quite finished in this photo. This is on the back of one of the cardboard bingo cards. I sprayed it with some brown ink from October Afternoon-although it looks kind of blueish here. It should be cardboard brown with brown speckles.
The stamp is a new one from Tim Holtz-stamped in brown on white paper, cut out and then mounted one some blue paper. I trimmed the blue paper and mounted it on the cardboard. What you don't see here is the few little stickers I added to 2 of the corners of the stamped image....just to finish it off. 
That's my post for the day, enjoy your Sunday!

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