Sunday, March 18, 2012

Beautiful Day and Disappointing Loss

It is a GORGEOUS Sunday morning. Dave, Harley and I went for a nice morning walk since I think mud season is over...finally.
Suppose to be a gorgeous week ahead too.
Can't believe the March we are having and I love it!!!!
This is how I am feeling about Maine hockey this morning. It was a disappointing loss last night in Boston, but they were playing BC, number one in the nation, and they were missing a top player to an injury Friday night.
Not excuses, just facts. We're disappointed but not ashamed. After all, Maine beat BC twice in January up in Orono and BC  not only were playing for the championship but also to avenge those losses. I am just so sick of BC winning.
We find out today about the national NCAA tournament for next weekend and I'd say we should be let's hope.
Boston was HOPPING last night-between people in Maine shirts, Bruins shirts since they played in the afternoon at the Garden and then all the GREEN for St. Patrick's day. Was a bit crowded on the T coming out of the city-worried this very drunk girl would throw up on me.
But otherwise it was fun. Ended up in the North End again for pasta since everything near the garden was just packed to the gills with waits over 1 1/2 hours.
Hope you're having a great Sunday and I'll be back with some art tomorrow.

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