Saturday, April 14, 2012

2 sides of my brain

More tag art-glossy paper tags I cut and colored with alcohol ink.
This one is adorned with this cool stamp from Character Constructions and a cool blue moon I cut out from a playing card back.
I'm not sure the bottom of the card goes with the top. I feel like I should cut off the card right below the black butterfly.
What do you think?
But sometimes I think your best art pieces are the ones you aren't quite comfortable with the result-you don't hate it, you don't dislike it, but something just isn't quite right.
But I really like how the alcohol ink background came out here. I LOVE the colors.
I also love the butterfly (Cheery Lynn Designs) in black.
And I think the theme holds together. is what it is as my hubby says.
Onto another thing in my head....
So just to show you have divided my brain is-look what I am reading now?

Organic Chemistry I For Dummies
This is about as far from my artistic tag above as you can get.
You ask why I am reading about organic chemistry-many peoples worst college class? 
Well let me tell you. I hated this class in college. I have a degree in biology and that's what I teach. But helping Katie study chem for her college course lately I decided it was time for a mental refresher. Plus it can help me at my profession. So I bought a cheap used copy on Amazon and there you go. I don't know if I have the stamina to finish the book, but I am making some headway and actually remembering quite a bit as I go. I am actually quite impressed at how much is still crammed away in those very dark deep recesses of my brain.
It amazes me how much we may not recall on the surface but put in the right situation we can pull back out.
Like going to France and having some of my French come back to me.
That brought me to doing all my French studying-on cd's in my car, in books, with the Babbel on-line course I purchased with a groupon.
Now organic chem. I guess you just don't know do you when you are someone who LOVES to learn.
They say making these kind of connections is really good for your brain.
So what is on tap for your Saturday?
I am not certain about mine...several things are in my head but not sure which ones are going to happen just yet. It is going to be a day I let the day take me where it will I guess.
Maybe I'll go read some more organic chemistry.
Thanks for stopping by.

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