Sunday, April 15, 2012

Beautiful Saturday

Yesterday was gorgeous-in the mid 60's, a light breeze, no black flies yet. Worked in the yard all day and BOY, was I tired. Spread a yard of mulch-or the full back of the hubby's full sized pick up truck, and raked a bit and cleaned up.  Plus the hubby and I walked in the morning....feels so good to get some of these chores done though.
So it is a good tired.
Here's a bunch of photos from the day.
new little rose leaves on one of my rose bushes
Love the colors on these crocuses in bloom.
spider on the grill thermometer
opening up the screen porch
cherry blossoms in the backyard
a new pleasure reading book
the boys love to be outside with us
But it wears them out.
Happy Day to you!

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