Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Saturday

Good morning blog-land!
I can't believe it is Saturday-already. 
My vacation is over and I am in the normal weekend time off. No complaints though...just can't believe how fast the past week and the whole month of April blew by. Tuesday is May 1-wow.
Here's a bit of a glue book that I started working on while at my Mom's the other day. I used a blank white board book and a bunch of travel "scraps" from a 2009 trip my family and I took. We spent a weekend in London and then took the train down to Paris for a few days.  While I was poking around at home the other day I found a bag full of scrap-tickets, brochures, maps, etc. This is a fun little way to save those memories.

So I have a lot more of this book to work on, and will have a lot more to show you in some other posts.
And I am rereading-
Dead Reckoning: A Sookie Stackhouse Novel (Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood)
New Sookie book on Tuesday-
Deadlocked (Sookie Stackhouse, Book 12)
I've got it pre-ordered from Amazon. But got to finish book 11 before this one arrives next week!

So yesterday was a fun way to end my vacation. Katie got home from school early and we went out to lunch and shopping at TJ MAXX for the afternoon. Then we bough frappes at one of those summer ice cream places that had opened up for season. Was lots of fun to spend some time with my college girl! Especially when I don't get to do things like that all too often.
So I am off to do my Saturday chores-today we are flooring shopping with my mother-in-law.
More later.
Have a great Saturday!
Thanks for visiting!

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