Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wrapping It Up

So I thought I'd show you a few more of my travel glue book pages this morning. (See Yesterday's post for details). On this page I glued down some strips of scrap paper, attached a stack of train tickets, clipped down some Windsor Castle tickets and then glued down some parts of a bag. I still need to add more, none of the pages in this book are finished.
I started with a restaurant menu which folds open like a brochure. I added some scrap travel theme paper to the left and then a ticket at the bottom. You can pull this page open to the left and you'll see
I added a couple of strips of paper over the menu and I want to add some items here on this pages too.  You can see on the right hand side I have a punch of price tags I pulled off some rubber stamps I really splurged on at Blade, which you can just barely make out the design they stamp on their brown paper bags.
There's also on the right a ticket from going up in the London Eye. Below on this last page you can see how it can flip open-to see the date and time we went up.
You can also see the scrap of paper I put underneath the ticket and I had this little calendar piece that glued down too.
So the vacation is really in wind down right now. Tomorrow it is back to work. BUT...this is the last push until summer vacation. AND it was a fantastic week off. I enjoyed it and feel refreshed. Spring is such an exciting time of year-everything popping out, days getting so much longer and most days, warmer, so even going back to work isn't so bad. May is only 2 days away. Katie will be home in 2 1/2 weeks for the summer and Memorial day is only a month away. Got to enjoy each day at this time of year! (Yes, at any time of year that holds true but there's some special about spring and all the promises it holds.)
Yesterday I spent the day with my hubby and mother-in-law floor shopping. We also had lunch out (a yummy lobster roll) and went and picked up the tv stand I bought at Home Goods the other day. We'll set it up today most likely and I can finally clean up that corner of my living  room-been a mess since the hubby bought a new tv awhile back. 
So hope your week starts on a really good foot! Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again soon.

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