Friday, May 25, 2012

10 Things Friday

So this week I have another "themed" 10 things Friday, but I might easily drift off of the 10 things limit.
This weeks list:
What is on my to do list for this summer!
Perfect since Memorial Day weekend in New England is the start of the summer season-not the astronomical one but the summer fun one.
So here we go.
1-have a big fertile veggie garden
2-go kayaking more than once
3-learn to back up the boat trailer
4-pick some of my rhubarb and make a strawberry rhubarb pie
5-go blueberry and raspberry picking
6- get out my barbecue cookbook and try out some interesting and different recipes
7-clean and organize under my basement stairs
8-paint my bedroom
9-get my bedroom floor put in
10-go exploring-whether it is near or far
11-get out walking most mornings
12-lounge on my screen porch
13-take some road trips like up route 153 in NH, and Down East Maine and to the National Park in Cornish, NH
14-make ice cream
15-lose some weight
16-read  a lot- especially a couple of those books I have been wanting to read
17-be spontaneous
18-spend lots and lots of studio time
19-go to Pop's Clam Shack in Alton, NH for some of their yummy fried clams and onion rings
(so much for losing weight)
20-go eagle watching
21-go to the beach and lounge at the lake
22-have a fire in my chiminea  stove and sit on the deck, star gazing
23-have some adventures-but not sure yet what they will be-since they are adventures-they should be a surprise
24-try some new things
25-take an art class
26-go to the drive in to see a movie
27-watch the new season 4 of True Blood when it comes out and finish watching the Dark Shadows that I have
28-see the sunrise and the sunset
29-hang out with friends-especially those I don't see very often
30-Have lots of fun in whatever form it takes
31- try some new art techniques, start an art journal
32-do something different-something I have yet to figure out
33-learn how to play golf-maybe
34-practice my French and learn a little Swedish
35-send out some art to magazines
36-try some new recipes
37-go to some new places-there's a couple restaurants I'd like to try, new stores, new views, new water places....
38-have a great summer vacation
39-get enough shifts at the lake to make it worth it
40-do some of that art I don't do very often like mosaic tiles and metal clay
41-send some quality time with my hubby, daughter, critters, mom, in-laws....
42- watch a bunch of DVDs

and whatever else happens to come along...
I just love summer!

(I'll be back at the end of summer to see how much I actually accomplished!) But I'll be back tomorrow or Sunday with some more new posts.

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