Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gardening Day

They're saying hot and humid today-real summery weather. My day's plans include some gardening-bought some annuals yesterday and plan on planting them in pots on my deck today. I have so much gardening to do right now...everything has popped out and is growing out of control. It's a jungle out there-LOL. Probably will go up to my Mother-in-laws later on since she lives on a local lake and maybe even take my first swim of the season today-but we shall see. Think the lake might still be CHILLY. But maybe chilly will feel fantastic!
So I was playing with my phone camera at the garden center yesterday. I LOVED all these pansies. Too bad pansies get so leggy when you plant them in a garden and don't stay so beautiful and thick like this. They are such fun flowers. See what I mean?
I have never seen orange pansies before!
It is pansy mania here today!

And look at the butterfly that was sitting on one of the flowers in one of the greenhouses.

And love the orange in these poppies!

Besides playing in the garden  last night I was on a Dark Shadows marathon binge.I watched 5 episodes and  I must say this show has gotten so good. I am loving it!  It was great having the house to myself most of the evening. I needed that quiet down time after a busy week and some r&r as I suspect this will probably be a fun and busy weekend.
Happy Saturday!

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