Monday, May 14, 2012

Another week ahead...

This is a fun little card- just love this kitty with the cowboy hat. All images are designed by Kim Hughes, either for her own company Paper Smooches or Cornish Heritage Farms.
I think this kitty looks like he was born with cowboy hat on. Yeehaw!
So did everyone have a good weekend?
I did. Saw Dark Shadows, had some studio time, went out to dinner with my hubby  and went with my family to a minor league baseball game. Was a good game but moved a bit slow, especially in the HEAT since it suddenly became summer.
Now we're back in the rain and that is OK with me, especially since we now only have 1 month left until school is out and every summer like day makes the kids anstier to be out.
Well me too!
And this week is BUSY! Want to hear?-Blood drive with NHS, drs appointment, staff meeting, moving Katie home, and Saturday- 2 classes with Tim Holtz.
Yes, you heard me right.
I can't wait until Saturday.
But, no sense rushing my life so I will be busy but should make the week fly by. OK, so I am rushing through all the little busy things I need to do. But not wanting to rush my life!
This will just be one of those weeks when I will be checking off each of the need to do items on my list.
Have a fab day and thanks for visiting.

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