Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day all you mom's out there- even if you live in a place where they celebrate they day at a different time of year.
For my mom's day we are going to a minor league baseball game, which will be fun since we will be all together and enjoying some warmer spring weather outside.
I am excited.
Then Katie will be back to school for just a few more days before her summer college break starts-we will be moving her home for good this Thursday. I'm excited for her to be back home! It will be a kind of belated by a few days mother's day gift to me.
So here's another one of the prayer flags I have been working on when I feel like sewing.
A better close up of my strawberry basket:
I drew my own basket design and  stamped the enjoy word all over the flag. I love this fabric-it looks like it comes from the 1970's- and it may. I bought it at a street fair a few summers back and all the fabric they sell is from donations when people clean out things.
Last night the hubby and I went out for dinner and I had some strawberry rhubarb pie with ice cream- YUMMY! Of course for the rest of the night I had this stuffed barrel stomach-just too much food.
And yesterday I spent a bunch of time in the studio-scrapjournaling and doing some cleaning. Here's my dilemma.
I have a lot of rubber stamps-like 3,000 of them. I have been collecting them for 14 years. I really need to do some wedding out, but I am having a hard time getting rid of a lot of them. I love my rubber stamps. I have so many old stamps you just can't buy any more , either because the companies that make them are out of business or they are no longer making those particular stamps.
I know, I really don't need to get rid of any of them-I do use them, but then why do I have this feeling I need to get rid of a lot of them?
Guess I am just trying to simplify a bit.
Or make more space.
But I need to accept that I am OK and don't need to clean out yet. When I am ready to clean out I will get rid of the stamps I don't want any more.
Till next time.

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