Sunday, May 27, 2012

Yesterday it was summer!

Look, it is me, going for my first swim of the year! It was it a HOT Saturday and Dave and his brother in law Dave put in his mom's dock. You can see all the sparklely's of the sun on the water.
And I did some reading on my newest book on the dock. The water was wonderful! Sitting on the dock was wonderful. I've missed these kinds of moments all during the long autumn and winter months.
Self portrait using my phone.
Here's some of my hubby's family  enjoying the late afternoon on the dock. (Barbara, Dave, Debbie, Sarah and Dave R).

I spent the morning planting annuals and putting a lot of seeds and plants into my veggie garden. It was hot and I came in covered in dirt. Not quite done with my planting yet but it was a fabulous day!

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