Monday, June 4, 2012

Collage cards

These cards share lots in common. (1) I cut 1 sheet of card stock to make the base for each. (2) They both have a collage theme. (3) I used some old photos (Tweety Jill collage sheets of old black and whites) on both of them.
For this top card I used IO's distressed backgrounder first, then used some Cornish Heritage Farm time stamps-embossed in gold.  I added the diamond shape scrap from a sheet of card stock that I stamped with multiple stamps in multiple colors to make this fun background that I cut into pieces to use on cards. Then I added the photo with this square stamped on it and the saying (from IO also) which is on a another small square of paper. Finally, it still needed something so I added all these little card stock dots which were leftovers from another die cut.

So here's the other card similar to the top card. For this one I did 2 things first- I embossed some dots I stamped and I also used a watermark technique with Versamark to make some dots on the paper too.
I also die cut  this doily (Cheery Lynn) which I used just a bit of the edge. The saying is from Hero Arts/Studio Calico.
So this is the start of a very very busy week for me-
Last full week of school for the kids, graduation, NHS sashing ceremony, lots of things to wrap up at work...
eeks, exhausts me just thinking about it.
But was a great weekend-yesterday I relaxed, got hit by the cleaning bug a bit (and boy it feels so good once it it done), scrapped a bunch of pages and watched 3 episodes of True Blood. It was a great low key kind of day!
Make it a great start to your week. We've got more rainy weather here in the Northeast-makes it great for teaching!

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