Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lupine Loving

I love lupines, almost as much as lilacs. Here's a few plants that migrate around my garden. I got them originally from my friend Vicky when she was doing some garden cleaning out. And even better, she got these plants when she spent a summer at my Alma mater , the University of Maine. That might have been years ago but I still like that connection.
Too bad these flowers don't last very long-just like lilacs and all the other beautiful blooms.

So on another note-been feeling like the clutter in my house is taking over. Waiting for school to be done so I can attack some of these messes. Or maybe this weekend I'll get started. We'll see what else ends up on the agenda. 
People keep telling me I have too much stuff in the my studio. I think I have too much stuff, but truth be told, I don't want to part with a lot of my things right now. I spend so much time in my studio playing, and you just never know what you're going to want to use. I have sold a few stamps on eBay before and then once they're gone, I've wanted to use them. One stamp I even ended up rebuying. I've started going through some of my bins and pull out so little.  Maybe when I finally get some things up on eBay if they sell for some decent change I'll be more motivated the clean out deeper. But one side of me says I don't need to sell anything and the other side of me says it would be so NICE to make some more space. Right now the studio is a disaster with me trying to clean, and it always gets messier before it gets better. Seems like my studio is always needing some re-organizing...guess what I really need is a much bigger space.
Wouldn't that be nice?
But since it isn't going happen-I got to just figure out what to do with what I have.
Maybe it is just this damp rainy weather-still and me being cooped up inside-with the messes.
Thanks for listening. 

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