Monday, June 18, 2012

This is IT!!!

Last full day of work for me!!!  Tomorrow my summer vacation starts.
This is always the best evening of the year (because the whole of vacation is ahead of you) and tomorrow is the best day of the year (because it is the first morning you don't have to get up for work!).
That is true for every vacation time off, whether it is a summer break or a week off!
So to celebrate, let me show you a few more pages from the summer scrap-journal I am making.
This is the back side of my title page (see yesterday). I included lots of little notes about what this journal is going to be. Plus the star paper and the sun to show that the days are long and carefree and the nights are meant to be out star gazing or staying up late and enjoying extra time-not being exhausted from getting up early for work.
You can see that better here.
And just to show you that this isn't just a scrap book-it is a scrap-journal, I do make pages without photos...this page is a bunch of paint, paper, stencils, sprays, inks, plastic flowers....
But you do need a few photos, and this one is a colander full of yummy cherries. I used some Jenni Bowlin paper that I've had forever, some tape, some stamped and cut out letters, and this really sweet vintage little tag which I stamped the saying (Unity stamps) on.
Here's another view.

How about 1 more page?
What a tease I am.
I'll have some more to show you tomorrow.
Happy Monday to you!

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