Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Vacation Begins

It is Day 1 of my summer vacation and I plan on a low key lazy summer kind of day. Since I am pre-writing this on Monday, I am not positive that is the kind of day I will end up having, but I am guessing that's what it will be. I desperately need to clean the house-LOL-what a way to start vacation! But tomorrow is suppose to be HOT-like 90-so I at least need to do a bit today. Like run the vac around and clean up the floating clumps of animal hair. YUK!  And I want to sleep in and take my morning walk and play in the studio a lot of the day.
Of course. Right?
And my screen porch is calling me...and the rest of this giant book I am reading is too....I have a good idea I will have some well spent relaxing hours out there this summer.
I have no real plans this week-which is good-but I also have some ideas rolling around in my brain of some things I want to do.
We'll see how this heat motivates me, or not.
And last night it kept hitting-my epiphany every few hours or so-I am on vacation. I don't have to go to work for a few weeks.
Can't be possible I don't have to get up in the morning and go to work. It will take me a bit to get into vacation mode-you know, real vacation mode when the hour of the day doesn't matter and you really get into a summer low key form. For the first few days I am still in that high energy work mode...still waking up at the work hour and busy trying to do this and do that.
Summer mode will kick in pretty quick.
So onto some art!
So I have shown you these garden photos already but I wanted to scrap-journal them too, so here's some pages from my latest summer project.

This top page isn't too fancy-inked and stamped background, a die cut swirl that has been inked too, and my photo. But this photo is pretty enough I think that it doesn't need a lot of background to take away from that.
A way to journal a similar photo without the journaling taking over the page. Happy with the way this page came out.
Here's another garden page. No my book is not all about my garden, but I have been playing with the new micro-lens my hubby gave my for Christmas and it takes the coolest flower and bug photos. (Plus I love gardening and I am a bug lover-at least cool bugs that don't want to bite me.)
And here's a snippet of the last page for today. Love this bird corner. It is the best part of the page-other than the photo of course. .
Have a happy Tuesday, and stay cool!

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