Saturday, August 4, 2012


This is what I title a post when I get to get the house all to myself as I did yesterday afternoon. Oh what to do? A nap? Watch the tv shows ( 3 recorded episodes of Project Runway) I don't get to watch when others are home? Play in my studio? Go internet shopping so no one will know what I am buying?
It was tough to decide.
And since I was alone (except the cats and my dog who managed to have to be in my presence) I can keep it a BIG secret!
Today I get to sweat at the boat ramp all luxurious alone time...
But it IS money for some new craft supplies coming out.
Love that!
Here's a few photos from my trip to Northwestern Maine this past week.
A beautiful sunset!
And interesting placard.
Kayaking an interesting river on a beautiful summer day
Mountain and water view
And an evening campfire next to the water on a  summer night.

Enjoy your Saturday!

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