Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ok, More trip photos

Due to my lack of any art to show's a few more photos from our trip-not the one to Maine, the one to the Rockies.
This is Parky, the mascot for the Canadian National Parks. He was out wandering when we did a mini-trip into Waterton National Park in Canada (sister park to Glacier) as it was Canada's Park Day.
Here's a view from Waterton Lakes. The slogan is where the prairie meets the mountains. And that is true.
I find the prairie an interesting place...coming from New England with our rolling hills/mountains and heavily forested land, grasslands without all the trees is so foreign to me. Do people want a way to hide from the sun? Although the sense of sky is unbelievable. I can see why Montana is Big Sky Country.

And suddenly you come upon this beautiful mountain lake. The end we are facing is in the US, that's how close we are at this Canadian Park.
Prairies and mountains...and lakes.
A pretty place to visit.
Today I am not sure what is on the agenda.
What's on yours?

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