Friday, September 7, 2012

10 Things Friday

This is my I want to be on a trip edition.
I always get this urge to travel in the "fall". Once school starts and I can't travel. Must be a case of the grass is always greener on the other side.
Either that or I start to think of where I want to go in February-if I actually get to go away then.
And I really want to go to Europe again.
I love Europe...not even sure I have favorite spot from the ones I have been to.
So today, 10 photos from London.
I am lucky enough to have been to London twice. I want to go back too because I really want to go to the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Natural History Museum where all of Darwin's artifacts are. 
Plus a few other places I haven't yet seen.
 So here's my mental mini-vacation. These were taken in February 2008.
Parliament Tower-Big Ben is the bell inside of this.
Me and Katie at the Greenwich time line-Prime Meridian. We're straddling the eastern and western hemispheres here.

At the Tower of London. Famous executions that took place in this spot.
Beef-eater, Tower of London
It is not only Mind the Gap in the Underground. 

Looking down on the River Thames and the city from the top of Tower Bridge.

Classic Tudor style architecture

Regal ironwork
The London Eye
And lastly
Cool subway tile in one of the Underground Stations.

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