Thursday, September 6, 2012

Altered Book Part 2

I promised I'd be back with more of my altered book. So here are those views.
This page has a couple of flip ups.
Here's one up close before you lift it up.
And here's the underside. I made it similar to the heart in the punch out for some symmetry on these 2 pages.
I did end up having a lot of heart in this book. It wasn't my plan, but I think I loved the techniques used so much I had to use hearts. Plus, I love how the deli wrap gives these hearts such a cool look. Kind of like peeling sanded paint in a way.
Here's a close up of the other little door.

And behind this door is this cool transparency made with packing tape and a collage of magazine cut outs.

Hope you enjoy these views. I still have a bit more to show you, but it will have to wait until some other day.
Yawn...these mornings of getting up are starting to get harder and harder as my body gets into the back to school mode.
At least tomorrow I won't have to fly into work quite so early since there are no kids. This is because the  president and vice president and both of their wives are going to be in town. They're going to let us get some work done too, yahoo! Usually they try to keep us busy with silly meetings and chores.
And I'm hoping tonight to get into the studio since I haven't all week. Between Dave being home and me being so wiped out at the end of the day as I get used to being back to a full time work
schedule after having so many weeks off, art just hasn't happened. I have so many ideas in my head too! 
Have a great Thursday...already. I will say this week is flying right by.

1 comment:

  1. I love interactive bits in books! Your flips and flaps are just perfect!!


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