Friday, September 14, 2012

10 Things Friday

My killer week is winding down BUT I am tired since last night was a late night at school. Not even the night itself, but I have to hang around between school ending and parent's night starting.  No chance to get a quick recharge before I have to be on again.
Yawn again.
So right now I am
Still dreaming of traveling.
Though as autumn begins to make an appearance I am starting to turn back into my homebody self.
But still I am planning and thinking ahead.
Or should I say dreaming of some place a exotic or foreign.
Mentally planning a trip.
Today, we are off to Spain.
In particular

 Mediterranean sunsets  and unusual park architecture

A place where rooftop architecture takes on unconventional forms

And fabulous stained glass windows brighten your day

Cool statue by a famous artist.

Candles burning in a old and beautiful cathedral

Plazas with grand entrances

A fabulous market 

Street shots

Boats in a harbor and some dark rain clouds hovering

And fabulous architecture.

It is a great place to visit. So exotic compared to New Hampshire. These photos were taken in February of 2010. This was our last family vacation before Katie left for college.
I want to go someplace like this again. Not back to Barcelona right now, but some place new and exotic.
Any suggestions?

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