Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Catch Up-My Knitting

My busy week is finally over...sign of relief.
2 dentist appointments, late work days, parent open house, the first 5 day week , dinner with some friends last night. I am ready for some rest and relaxation, plus some fun too. Last weekend I was mentally and physically beat from getting into the work mode- and boy do I hate that. I want to feel perkier on my 2 days off from work.
But that is enough of me going on about that.
How about a couple knitting books I've picked up in the last few months that I find interesting?

Knitting Hats & Mittens from Around the World: 34 Heirloom Patterns in a Variety of Styles and Techniques
If you're anything like me and love small projects, plus love knitting, reading and studying ethnic patterns, this is one cool book. Even the mittens on the cover look pretty fun to make and wear.
There are pattern from Scandinavia, the British Isles, Asia, plus many others.
I love the designs, multi-colored knitting is my favorite way to knit.
Viking Patterns for Knitting: Inspiration and Projects for Today's Knitter 
This book has some great reference reading. There are plenty of patterns too, some of which I would knit and wear and some that I would not.  But, I  love to read about historical knitting and designs based upon historical patterns.
Plus I am into that Celtic, Nordic, and other traditional forms of knitting.
My knitting project at the moment-Still plugging away on this pair of socks I started.
This photo was taken way back in late June
so they are much more finished than shown here-but just to give you a peek of the project and since I have not taken any more update photos.

Of course there isn't enough time to do all the things I want to do...and the older I get the more I want to not do the things I don't want to do.
That sentence is a mouthful.
Too bad work doesn't fall into the category.
Enjoy your Saturday.

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