Friday, October 19, 2012

10 Things Friday

Can you believe it is already the middle of October?
Been a LONG time since I did a 10 things right now kind of list for Friday, and I am getting a hankering to write one of those. So that is what I will be doing today.

1-We've had so much rain this fall, and they are saying more today.
This has been a very wet fall after a very dry summer.
I kind of like the cooler fall weather though.
2-We are loosing leaves like crazy-lots of yellows, not much for red leaves this fall.  I think we now have more bare trees than leafed trees.
3- This week has been spirit week at school. Pep rally today-yuk- not really a pep rally fan.  But glad this is over for the year. It is kind of exhausting week but not as bad as spirit weeks in the past.
Next week is even crazier though with things on my schedule.
4-Been having a lot of fun painting and spraying in my journal.
And knitting. Been on a knitting binge this fall so far. Right now I am still making my socks and also an easy big needle knit pillow from the Kaffe Fasset and Brandon Mably knitting book I bought awhile back.
Back trying to finish up my summer scrap-journal too.
5- Been in a cleaning mode for the past month. What I usually do in the summer but since it didn't happen this past summer, I am doing it now. Wanting to de-clutter. I just have too much stuff in my little space. One thing I need to do is get some new organization in my life.
6-Also been in a mode where I want to refresh my house. Some things are getting a little tired looking. Dave was working on painting the back and side of the house. Hasn't gotten to my bedroom floor yet. I want to do a few little projects in my upstairs bathroom this winter and also want to scrape the popcorn ceiling in my living room and then repaint.
7- Taking a couple of on-line classes at My Creative Classroom right now. Really in the mood to learn and play with new techniques lately. Must be the cooler fall weather, making me want to learn and do new things.
8-Now that Dave is back to work, I've spent this week readjusting to the new evening and morning schedule. I was used to being up by myself weekday mornings and then having an early dinner since he was home when I got home. Now I get home to an empty house and we've had to move dinner back. Tough when you have a 10:40 lunch at school.
9-No big plans for this weekend-but it is the last quiet weekend before we have 3 weeks of hockey games. I am looking forward to sleeping in, playing in the studio, reading  and just hanging out.
10-So did you catch the finale of Project Runway Season 10 last night? I love that show. I'm happy with the winner, actually they were all good. Usually there's someone I really dislike, not this year. And then next Thursday- Project Runway All Stars starts. That means I keep on having my kind of Thursday night show. Yahoo!

And how about this fun photo?
(Marini Farm, Ipswich, Mass.)
Have a great Friday.

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