Saturday, October 20, 2012

Oldies But Goodies

The other day the hubby Dave had to move a stack of books in my studio in order to do a little project. Of course, he left them for me to put back, and while doing that I went through them.
It was actually a good thing he left them for me because I have rediscovered some good books that I had kind of forgotten what was inside of them.
I also rediscovered a few that don't really speak to me any more, and will get cleaned out-which is a good thing when you're in a cleaning mind frame.
Here's a few I highly recommend.
Surface Treatment Workshop: Explore 45 Mixed-Media Techniques
I have been trying to learn how to make great backgrounds and here they were all the time.
Some of these were things I totally forgot you could do.
If you want to do backgrounds, this is the book for you.
NO design tips-well, LOTS design tips only if you want to have interesting and classy backgrounds.
Texture Effects for Rubber Stamping
Wow-this book is still excellent. Not about die cuts or added interest pieces, but if you want to stamp and make really gorgeous pieces, this is the book for you. I left this one out and I am going to read to again cover to cover. Kind of goes with the surface treatments, but these include stamping.
And finally-
Artist Trading Card Workshop: Create, Collect, Swap
More of the surface treatments and things to do to make some really cool ATCs.  I read through this the other night-cover to cover- and it has inspired me to get back to this format a little bit. They've kind of lost their starring role lately, don't you think?
If you get a chance, pull out some old arts and crafts books, I think you might like the process.
Happy Saturday.

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