Thursday, October 11, 2012

Autumn Splendor

Got out and enjoyed a bit of autumn beauty this past weekend. Thought I would share a few views.
All this on a morning stroll. How lucky I am!
And it was suppose to rain most of last weekend! Nope, didn't happen which was really nice.
So last night I had one of those studio moments that drive me nuts.
You know, you make something you just hate, and then you try to make it better and you over do it, and it still doesn't make you happy. I was trying to make a birthday card for my mom's birthday tomorrow, and I am not really into making this luscious cards. But I was trying. Trying too hard.
I know better but still think I can keep picking at a project and make it better.
I might dissect it-I am good at dissecting.
Cut it up and make something new.
Make her a new card.
I HATE making birthday cards.
I'll try again tonight.
Have a fantastic Thursday.

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