Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Studio Chatter

A clean studio table (finally got around to doing that) so now I don't have a 12 inch x 12 inch square on which to work. Yahoo.
Look at this super clean work table!
How long will it stay this way-hhhmmmm I wonder?
And a new Gelli plate. Have you seen these?
6in x 6in Gel Printing Plate
People have been talking a lot about these in the last 2 classes I took. How much fun they are.
So last week I took a little trip to my favorite craft store and they had these in stock so I bought a 6x6 one. I thought long and hard too, walking around the store, because they cost $20 which isn't a lot but isn't cheap either.
I am glad I did though and now I know what all the chatter is about.

Talk about fun. I made a bunch of prints which I can use for various card backgrounds, scrap pages, altered books, what ever.
I had a blast and could make a bunch more.
And my recommendation-
VERY easy to use, Very easy to clean, and The results are very cool.
An A+++++++ tool.
Wish I had one of these a long time ago.
Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. I've wanted to get this for a while. I didn't realize you could make several images with one...I thought it was only one. COOL!!!


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