Monday, October 22, 2012

Busy Week Ahead

A new week arrives. 
Wow this month is buzzing right by. This is the LAST full week of the month.
This week will be a busy one for me-hair appointment, National Honor Society Induction, trip to Providence Saturday to see a hockey game (and lets hope those Black Bears are playing a lot better than they have been).
 In fact, the next few weeks are pretty busy, and I can week by week until Thanksgiving tell you what events are breaking up every week. But this week  is one of the busiest.
So it was a quiet weekend but I needed that.
 Katie was home which was nice. Took her out to lunch Saturday. Had some studio time and enjoyed some sunshine-even started my raking, but let's be real, with leaves still on the trees I will have a lot more raking to do. Just nice to get rid of that first layer so there will be a few less leaves for the next raking.
We even had some WARM weather Saturday so I could open up the windows for awhile.
Love that.
Did you do anything fun this weekend?
And I took a bunch of photos of some of the latest of my works. Here's some journal pages.
The light hit them kind of weird and there is a bit of a glare.
This page is one that went through a lot of changes. I finally got it where I wanted, and then I went to glue down my stars and the spray ink blurred and so I ended up working on it some more. Not a bad final result but not what it had been. It kind of looks all muddy to me-all my stenciling and painting and spraying-just a big blob. I don't dislike this page...but I liked it a lot better before. Oh well, that is the beauty of a journal. You live and learn and move onto another page.
And that is the beauty of blogging too. When I've said enough, it is time to move on.
Happy Monday.

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