Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I am a Geek

Look at this funky mushroom I found in my garden this past weekend. It had this weird hole on the top.
Must be where all the spore get released. Mushrooms are really kind of interesting and come in such variety. This year we haven't had any where as many as last year, but still, you find all kinds of interesting fungi in the fall.
On this photo you can even see the fly sitting on it. Surprise it didn't fly off when I got in close with my camera.
I love the grey and white and also the weird spongy looking cap on this mushroom.
OK, I am a geek.
I scrap-journal some geeky pages. Here's one I recently made from a photo that goes into my summer journal. 
I used a Crafter's Workshop stencil and some acrylic paints on deli wraps to back the background images.
I hand doodled and colored the top writing. The bottom is stamped. Then I gave it a light spray of brown Dylusions ink.
Must say lately a lot of my ink caps are blocking up on me lately. GRRR. Drives me nuts! Need to get some disposable pipettes at work to drop ink on pages.
So last night was a creative night-made meatloaf and chili in my kitchen and a sympathy card for a long time friend who lost her dog over the weekend. The card was really hard to make-not the making but the emotion that goes with it. I am such a softy for animals, let me tell you.
But I also have found that my latest creative trick is to start projects and leave them not quite done. You know, make half a card, or paint the page in my journal and do nothing else to it, start a scrap-journal page. I find by doing that they when I go into the studio next time I pick up and finish what I've started and that inspires me to start something else...
You just got to be sure you actually finish projects as you go though-otherwise you get a big pile of need to do projects.
That would be a creative turn off for me.
That's it for now.
Thanks for dropping by and visiting.

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