Friday, November 23, 2012

10 Things Friday

Hope all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving had a great holiday and didn't eat too many pieces of pie.
Due to the holiday yesterday and today being a shopping day-and not sure if I will be heading out to look for Black Friday deals-or NOT (I know you won't be seeing me out at 5 am or before that) - I am pre-posting this week's 10 things Friday. I thought it might be a good time to look at 10 books I want to read. And hope to read .
Here we go!
True Blood: Eats, Drinks, and Bites from Bon Temps
Not really a reading book, but I read cookbooks all the time. I'm hoping Santa gives me this one for Christmas because when I looked at this book at Barnes and Nobel, it looked pretty good.

Kaffe Fassett: Dreaming in Color: An Autobiography
I've mentioned wanting to read this book before. I love Kaffe Fasset. He is one awesome designer. I bet he has had a fascinating life, and if I ever get to read this, I guess I will know, eh?

Fall of Giants: Book One of the Century Trilogy
This book sounds like an interesting read, and I loved the Cathedral series. (Although I must admit I  kind of skim read a big chunk of the cathedral book 2- I didn't like it as much as book 1.) Sometimes his books are a bit formula, but there are times formula books is all your brain wants to deal with.

The Beautiful Mystery: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel
I have this book but I still need to read it. It is sitting next to my bedside table. Hopefully pretty soon I will get around to reading it.

Great Expectations (Dover Thrift Editions)
I have been saying I want to reread this book for quite some time. I even dug out my ragged old copy. I read this many many years ago and I loved it when I did, and I figured it is just about time to give it another read to see if I still like it just as much.
(Let's see if it shows up next time I do a 10 books I want to read list.)

Here's another book I have wanted to read for quite awhile and it has been in my list about that long too.
Product Details

Journal It!: Perspectives in Creative Journaling

Has anyone got a review of this book? It keeps popping up on people's blogs, and when I looked at the previews it didn't look that appealing. But people are saying they like it. So I want to be in the know and read it.

Art Journal Freedom: How to Journal Creatively With Color and Composition
And I can't wait for this book to be released in January. I took a class with Dina and it was great. She has a really cool style-right up my alley, and I can't wait to see what else I can learn from her in this book.

A Field Guide to Now: Notes on Mindfulness and Life in the Present Tense
I don't know much about this book, but it looks interesting. Has anyone read it? Sometimes books are good but they just don't fit you and your life at that particular point.  The Happiness Project was a book like that for me. She has a new book out, Happiness at Home, and I am also interested in that book too.


Swedish Handknits: A Collection of Heirloom Designs
And this is my last book today. I love ethnic knitting. I love heirloom knitting. I've looked at this book about 10 times on trips to Barnes and Nobel's over the last several months. One of these days I may buy it.
It is a good book, and for those of us with Swedish heritage, it is a great way to connect with history, our past and some cool knitting.

So we had a lovely Thanksgiving with my family yesterday. My sister-in-law is fighting stage 4 breast cancer so who knows how things will be next year- since she has a pretty aggressive tumor and the chemo isn't so good right now.
It is very sad. She's only 49 but she is a fighter.
Had a great day off on Wednesday. Went to see the final Twilight movie with Katie-Breaking New Dawn and enjoyed it. Then spent a whole afternoon in the studio- we went to a 10:40 movie- and made an apple pie and a sweet potato casserole that night too.
Was excellent having that day off-something I haven't had before so that made it really special.

So if you are out shopping- have fun and hope you find some good deals.
And if not, hope you get to be doing something fun where ever you may be.
Enjoy your Friday.


  1. I've read a few here...Great Expectations, To Kill A Mockingbird...both fabulous! The Ken Follet looks grand! The Artsy ones of course are going to be winners! That all you find on my bedstand these days...only the Art!

  2. I wish I could give a review of these books to you but I have only read To Kill A Mockingbird. It happens to be one of my most favorite books of all time. The Swedish book looks good to me but I'm partial because my father was Swedish. I happen to love Swedish knits and design.

    Careful with the art books, I find a lot of them have pretty photos and not much substance. Maybe you could reserve them from the library.


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