Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up=No Art Today

Hi there everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend-and if you celebrate Thanksgiving- I hope you had a great long holiday weekend.
I did, and man, it is hard to think about having 4  five-day work weeks ahead until my Christmas/New Years vacation. This morning it seems especially hard, you know, Monday after a 5 day weekend. That makes the weekend a vacation-really, if you think about it.
So here's how I spent my weekend-
Saw the last Twilight movie, got my holiday journal prepared and made Thanksgiving foods.
Traveled to my mom's for the holiday.
Here's my family-
What a photo. My husband looks plain wacky and my daughter looks possessed.
The rest of the crowd at my mom's house.
At least my daughter doesn't look this she has a devil in her.
Went Black Friday shopping with the hubby (later in the day, not in the morning or Thanksgiving night)-got a few things for the holiday and went out to lunch, went to my favorite craft store  (get a coupon to use in January for 50% of your purchase), had Chinese food which I have been hankering for a long time, went to this great Italian place in Manchester Saturday night before the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert.
Have you seen TSO? They put on a great holiday rock n'roll show.

The first half of the show is a rock opera with a Christmas theme and then they just perform some of their songs.
Or their versions of Christmas music.

I also roasted a turkey for us to have at home and did some knitting and put together a Shutterfly photo book.
Did a bit of cleaning-not too much- and slept in and it was just a great all around weekend.
But of course, not long enough-
weekends never are.
No, I am not complaining,
just saying that-
since I am really blessed to have such a rich, fun and full weekend.
I give lots of thanks for that.
Hope you did too.
Back tomorrow with some arty stuff for you.
Have a great Monday.

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