Friday, November 30, 2012

10 Things Friday

So with tomorrow being December first, and with the holidays just around the corner - thought I would write a holiday list this week.
This week- 10 things I would like to do this holiday season-10 things out of the ordinary usual holiday things. 10 Things I have either never done and would like to or haven't done in recent holidays.
A Santa's List so to speak.
1-Make a gingerbread house- and not one of those kit houses.
2-Although we always get a fresh cut tree- and I wouldn't change that- I would love to have a second tree- a white tree. No place to put it in my house right now.
3-I would love to go to NYC and go window shopping and see the Rockettes  Christmas show.
4-I would love to have time to bake a lot of different cookies-make myself a big assorted cookie platter.
5-I would love to have my Christmas cards magically all written and addressed and I wouldn't never have to do anything-except maybe make the cards!
6-Go to a Boston Pops or some other orchestral Christmas concert and get all dressed up to go. This one doesn't quite work because I did go to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra last weekend. Put that was a rock show, not quite the orchestral type I was thinking of.
7-That working things out with families would be easier-you know, for those family get togethers. Everybody seems to want a piece of you at the same time and there is only so much time. Cuts into the holiday fun time. Adds a lot of useless stress. Not that it is so bad to get together with our families...but  my family seems to be stuck in the must be on Christmas get together day-no flexibility- and then they end up mad at me.
8-That we could definitely have a white Christmas. (The only time I really want it snowy and white.)
9- Would love to spend a day in my pjs and watch old Christmas movies and do absolutely nothing.
10-And spend another day in my pjs and reread a Christmas Carol or some other holiday classic.

How about you?
What  out of the ordinary things would you love to do this holiday season if you had a chance?

How about a cheery little holiday card to go along with all this holiday Santa lists?
If you insist....
I embossed some red polka dots on white card stock  (Cornish Heritage Farms) and then added the red with white polka dot paper. These images are all from Paper Artsy. I stamped and then colored the images with Twinkling H2O watercolors.
Enjoy your Friday and make it a great one!

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