Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It isn't winter yet, is it?

Last Saturday the weather changed. We had a really warm Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and then-BRRR. Cold front came down from Canada.
This week I have had to pull out my winter coat-I was putting it off for as long as possible, but unfortunately, winter is on its way.
Wonder when we will get snow???
OK, I don't wonder that...I am not a snow-bunny.
So here's the card art for the day.
All images are from Paper Smooches except the words.
The igloo is on the new Kismet Winter Grove set.
It is also on an older set from Cornish Heritage Farms when Kim Hughes designed for them.
I used it on some sparkley blue paper and then mounted it on some bright blue paper and with the green card-the color pops.
So even though it is still a few weeks until winter begins on the calendar, I guess this card is really right in season.
Short days, chilly temperatures, chances of snow flurries ahead...
Keep warm and cheery today readers!

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