Friday, November 9, 2012

10 Things Friday

Now that it is November and cold and winter has made its first appearance with the light snow we had yesterday, time to review my fall list to see how good I was at getting it done. I KNOW, fall is not really over, but here in New Hampshire it is starting to feel like it is and winter is sneaking in.
Kind of early this year since usually we can get up to the end of this month...
I take that back-this is New England and one never knows.
Here's my list-
1-Not get out of this summer mode. I say this every year, and I do get back into the hustle and bustle of life mode. But I love my summer mode, and I am hoping to stay in the more relaxed, take life as it comes mode.
I think I haven't completely done this-it is hard to when you go back to work, but I am doing better at this in most years.
2-Experiment with more new recipes-try some new chili recipes, make an apple pie with fresh picked apples. Try some yummy  lite and healthy meals. Maybe even make some terribly complicated and yummy dessert. 
I have tried a few things, not as many as I would like, but did make an apple pie-want to make a pumpkin pie, did make a pot of chili and have been trying to eat better.
3- Go apple picking and get a pumpkin at the farm. Then carve that pumpkin into a Halloween jack-o-lantern. Haven't carved a jack-o-lantern since my daughter was in high school.
Nope. Not at all.
4-Play hooky from work and go take an art class.
Yup. I did. It was great-back in September with Dina Wakely. And I did take a day to go visit my mom on her birthday and I am planning on taking a museum day in the not too far off future. I know I shouldn't, but I feel better. Helps me stay off that stressful treadmill.
5- Get hockey tickets to the Maine/UNH game at Orono, ME and go up to see the game in early November- and see Maine beat UNH. And since it is a Sunday afternoon game, we talked about going down to Acadia for a day as part of a little weekend road trip.
Also on my list- Get to a few other games when Maine is playing down this way too.
Yup, we did. Not sure the way they are playing makes it worth it, but a true fan is always a fan, even when they lose. Going again to a game tomorrow down in Lowell, MA and they are doing just as bad so maybe we can actually win a game or 2.
6-Play with making some more altered books.  I also want to make a little Halloween 3D collage box using one of those Tim Holtz assemblage boxes. And I want to finish my prayer flags. And I want to....this could be a very long number if I don't stop someplace.
Yes. I did make one of those assemblage boxes. I did play in my art journal a lot. Didn't finiish my flags but have had a pretty creative autumn.
7-Watch the rest of my Dark Shadows DVD set.  Watch the first set of Downton Abbey that I have heard people say good things about. (I have never seen the show). Read a few of the books I didn't get to this past summer (Like Outlander and the new and the last Louise Penny mysteries). Finish knitting my socks and my ocean scarf.
I have gotten back to Dark Shadows but haven't finish it yet. Have done some reading and a bunch of knitting but have not finished any knitting projects.8-Actually get a home improvement project started and completed.
MY fall project has been de-cluttering. Am still working at it but feel like I have accomplished a lot but it is one of those jobs that never ends really.9-Plan a trip for February school vacation.
Not yet. Still debating.10-Get outside enough. I feel better when I get out and get some sun and fresh air. I hate being cooped in too much.
Been working hard to do this and it does help a lot. I need to get outside and get some sun for my sanity.

So my list of 10 things I want to do the rest of this fall
1-Get into exercising as I slid into hibernation mode. You feel so much better when you exercise and I need to get rolling with that.
2-Try not to spend so much cash. Its been one of those early falls  when I have bought a few things and I need to have holiday cash.
3-Get outside, even when it is cold, and get some fresh air.
4-Decide what I want to do February vacation-go some place or stay home. My antennae are up and I am seeing what is available. Taking in info and thinking in the back of my head.
5- Try a bit of holiday baking-make some bread and a pumpkin pie. but not to bake because I feel I have to,
6-Even though I want to do some baking, I need to continue to eat healthy through the holidays,
7-Get a museum day in. Enjoy a hockey game or 2-especially if Maine could win. Do something different every now and again to break the weeks up.
8- Continue to feel very creative-watch more of Dark Shadows-finish one of my knitting projects, get back to my on-line French course.
9-Read more.
10-Get my floor put down in my bedroom and get some more of that room fixed up. Especially get my closet cleaned out and organized-it is a disaster.

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