Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Love Long Weekends

I love long weekends, especially ones that seem to have a nice mix of fun and down time. And the way the calendar falls this year-this month is full of chopped up weekends. This weekend is Veteran's Day. Next weekend I am taking Friday off to go museum visiting with my friend Vicky, and then we're into Thanksgiving Weekend.
Got to love that. Not only does it give you a break but you feel so much fresher at work seeing you're more rested.
So today I am off to Costco to do some stocking up and then we're going to another Maine hockey game in Lowell, Massachusetts. Hopefully, they'll play better than they have been. Lowell is 9th hockey east right now and Maine is 10th, neither team had won before Lowell beat Maine last night so maybe...just maybe...we can win.
We'll see!
So here's a page from my summer scrap journal for you that I like. The colors are bright and cheery and very Katie. The photo is her and her dad. I love the colors of the leaves-it is paper from October Afternoon's Halloween collection.  The flowers all over the page are from Stampington. One of my most favorite stamps of all time.
That's it for today.
Thanks for taking a minute out of your day to visit and
please come back soon.

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