Sunday, November 18, 2012


I love this quote. You know that only an artist would "see" angels in raw stone. This is a stamped image from Stamp in the Hand. 
Here's my journal page in which I used this quote.
This is a cool angel image from Postmodern Design. I colored her (or him, because it looks more like a him I think) with Copics, a gold pen, and also some Sparkling H2O watercolors.  I used some gold spray Perfect Pearls on this page, and then used a wet brush to wipe away the spray within the frame. I like the slightly glowing effect here.
I seem to use angels a lot in my art work when it gets around Christmas. Not so much the rest of the year.
The frame in this above journal page is from another angel stamp by Postmodern Design. I used her in this journal page.
Instead of her crosshatch frame (see above journal page) I used some red line tape and some gold glitter to surround this lady. Before that I rubbed the lady with some Viva gold paint rub and colored her with some Copics.
Here's a bigger view of the page. I added some silver ink to make the little X on the page and a cloth butterfly which I added some gold and silver ink onto the blue cloth. I like the effect of the blue and silver background- not too complex but just enough details.
So last night I got to see SkyFall, the new James Bond movie. It was fabulous-really enjoyed it. It is not only a good story but a well written story.
I think Wednesday when I am off Katie and I are going to see the last installment of Twilight and I really want to see Abraham Lincoln too.
After a very poor movie year there is suddenly so many good ones coming out.
Yesterday I did a bunch of decluttering. Working on reorganizing a part of my studio I haven't yet got to but that needed to be cleaned in the worst way.
Glad to get it started!
 I want to finish cleaning up my studio but if it means no creative time, I might let it go until I am off Wednesday.
So enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Big Holiday week coming up

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