Monday, November 19, 2012

Holiday Week Chatter

I love this holiday week. It is a short working week, a good holiday since there is lots of yummy food, good shopping deals and usually low stress good family time. I say usually since we are going to my family on Thursday for the holiday and you just never know with my family, but I am just not thinking about that.  Sometimes if you think you too much you get stressed and make it all worse.
But I really like Thanksgiving.
And it will be good to see my family.
(Though I am secretly jealous of people who get a love key holiday without all the family hub-bub).
And I only have to work 2 days this week, and I have some fun things planned for the long holiday weekend.
More about that later.
Yesterday I went to visit some friend's of my husband's family who were visiting from San Francisco. Katie and Bob are charming lovely people and I'm glad I got to go visit them while they are here in the east. We stayed for dinner and sat on the couches and watched the guys put down my mother-in-laws new floor.
Hey I am reading a new book too-
Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child
Just started it but Julia Child is such a fascinating woman. I've read a few books about her in the past, and I have loved them all. What a great life she had.
Will let you know more about this book when I get further into the book.
So last thing for today is this fun card I made.  I started with this new Darcy's embossing folder I just bought a couple of weeks ago. I inked the folder and then embossed on white paper to get this cool blue sky background between the trees. I mounted this on white cardstock and outlined with a blacked Sharpie.
Then I added the moose and cardinal (silly bird). I put a Santa hat on the moos with some silver glitter. These are stamps from when Kim Hughes designed for Cornish Heritage Farms. Not sure she has re-released these images from her own company Paper Smooches.
The words are from a Technique Tuesday release.
The set it is from is called the Magic of Christmas by Allie Edwards.
So tonight I have a late night at school since National Honor Society (which I am one of the advisers) is putting on our annual Battle of Classes fundraiser. Will be tired tomorrow, but it is for a good cause and I am happy to get it coordinated and (hopefully) pulled off successfully.
Hope you have a great Monday!
Stop back soon.

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