Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Disappointed Pets

I already know I am going to have 2 disappointed critters today since it is back to work after a 3 day weekend. Those boys of mine, I'll tell you. Good thing I have 1 kitty who isn't as needy as those boys.
This is a page about Harley, my 12 year old puppy. The stamped (Impression Obsession) quote is his philosophy of life.
I made this page with a couple of Gelli prints I printed. I also used an embossed piece of card stock, some Viva paint pen dots, some paper tape and a couple of Stampotique stamped hanging hearts.
So I ordered my first Shutterfly book this morning-curious to see how it will look once printed.
Got to run, back to work, but a short week ahead.
Have a great day!

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