Monday, November 12, 2012

Love a Lazy Monday

Love a non-working Monday.
Love being able to sleep in and putter around in the morning.
You know, have a cup or 2 of tea, go into the studio, do a chore or 2.
Take a walk on this warm-ish November day.
Very nice indeed.
And since I am having such a nice morning I will
Thank all the veterans which is why I am home today.
So I am back into the right season today with a another card I made for Katie at college.
This one isn't quite so silly as the 3 I showed you yesterday.
The image is a stamp from Cornish Heritage Farm that I particularly like. I colored it with Copics and used a Sizzix Frame-lit to cut it out. I mounted it on yellow paper and then onto the card itself. I outlined the image with another Copic just for a bit more depth. The diamond/harlequin pattern is some 7Gyspies Gaffer tape. Then I added some leaves which I cut from a Spellbinder's die and also colored.
I do need to get busy this morning and take a few photos of some recent journaling and some fancy- smancy holiday cards I made yesterday. 
I also need to finish my raking-which I started yesterday-before we get a foot of snow or  it gets brutally cold again-like last week.
I also need to bring Katie back to school today.       
So it won't be quite so a lazy a Monday as I had hoped...
but all that work I am saving for later.
Once I have had my spell of laziness.
There's always things to do and you have to make time to do nothing.
Don't you agree?
have a superb Monday
and come back soon.          

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