Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 A Year in Review-Part1

So we are almost at the end of the year. I know I have said this every day for like a week now, but wow.  So here is my review of 2012 for you. I am having fun doing this. Today I went back through my blog and am giving you glimpses of the highlights of this year that is wrapping up.
It is a mix of photos and art and just about anything that makes me smile-top photos, top events-nice art!!!
By the way- I am splitting this over 2 days posts but it is still a LONG post.

Beach walking-it was a great winter for it last year
January Thaws
organizing- a constant chore
hockey-the season the Maine Black Bears did really well
IKEA road trip- ready for one now actually!
Putting a journal together
we leave for Arizona in February
A fabulous Fenway hockey game- when we beat our rival team (UNH) in overtime and it is 52 degrees in January in Boston!!!
And a bit of art

Love how I finally figured out that I could embossed right on the card

Love this light page with both embossing and clear die cuts on it.

More embossing on this card, and these great images from Stampington.
I also love the glittery trim.



Light and airy. These feathers are stamped on acetate (Hero Arts).

Travel Journal-basically prepared and ready for our trip

Valentine's project

New England Patriots logo
a very disappointing Super Bowl

silly card

An excellent adventure and a not so excellent flu around travel time
and I got to see some real saguaro cacti. Love it!

Hockey east and NCAA finals. Exciting and disappointing too! But in 2013 I don't think this is going to happen.
a real spring March- buds are super early this year

needing spring- March is often a tough month for me but this year it was pretty mild and easy.

finished travel journal-I especially like the way this one came out.
and I celebrated 
a birthday too!


travel tag glue book-used up some ephemera from a trip to London and Paris several years ago.
Think I will do this again.

a trip to the Peabody Essex museum over my break with a good girl friend


my first quiche-and it was delicious

Dark Shadows Collection 1
the start of hours watching the original Dark Shadows
a little trip down memory lane for me

flowers start to bloom

some simple  fun cards

we open up the screen porch

a big visitor

spring art pieces
started my travel journal for our summer trip

and we finally ripped out our bedroom rug- after living here for 23 years-which it badly needed
Isn't it icky??????


we're boating again

first swim

more Arizona scrap-journal pages

Katie moves home from school

lilacs bloom-my favorite

a fun day with Tim Holtz


summer journal

working at the lake

lots more summer journaling

and more fishing, boating, swimming, beautiful days outside

and more beautiful blooms

more days working the boat ramp
summer vacation starts
what a month!!

Be back tomorrow with the rest of my year in review.
Thanks for stopping by!

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