Saturday, December 29, 2012

A few holiday cards

My blue series.  I made 10 cards for family just before the holiday. I wanted to show you some of these before we get  past all this holiday cheer and no one wants to looks at Christmas any more.
For this card I started with this very non-Christmasy colored paper. More like robin's egg blue than Santa red. I embossed the white snowflakes (Hero Arts background stamp). Then I die cut this star (Sizzix) which I like because it is very whimsical and fun for the holidays. I removed the middle oval and stamped a Christmas words saying in red on it just for a bit of contrast. Finally I stamped the Santa image (October Afternoon) on white paper, colored him and then trimmed him and added him to the card. Finally some Viva paint pen dots and the bow.
This next card was my last in the series of 10 and super super easy. When you need to do one more card and are feeling really sick, using pre-made pieces is the way to go.
A journal card and snowman sticker from October Afternoon, some Martha Stewart tape and then a glittery blue word that I die cut with a Sizzix die. I just love this die. I use it a lot, especially for holiday cards. (I really like the way the letters are-looks a little retro to me.)
One more to show you today.
I die cut the white (Quickutz) rectangular shap and stamped these words (Penny Black) from a Child's Christmas in Wales.  Have you read that book-by Dylan Thomas. It is a favorite.  I also die cut the wood paper background piece and used some snowflake stamps and puff white embossing powder. Finally, a bit more of that blue tape (Martha Stewart)  and 3 punched deer (Martha Stewart) on some silver shiny paper.
I will be back with more  another day.
So my head cold turned into a double ear infection and most likely they think a sinus infection too.
I feel like my head is in one of those astronaut bubbles right now.
Wiped out and miserable...
what a way to spend my week off.
Hopefully later today the antibiotics will kick in and I will be on the road to recovery.
Thanks for visiting today.

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