Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday Journal

In my holiday journal I am doing a bit of art and some holiday photos. Thought I'd show you a few views with a little of both types of journaling.
I love this embellishment. I used a Technique Tuesday stamp to create the word banner and some punched out mini-stars.

I started this journal with Thanksgiving and you can see a bit of this page I created. Turkeys are from an older Hero Arts sets and I added these stamped words from Crafty Secrets.
I really enjoy making altered journals-it's cross between altered books, scrap books and art journaling.
So I stayed home yesterday with a weird cold-had been in my voice box for like 2 1/2 weeks and then moved up a bit so it blocked my ears. The echoing effect and some loss of balance...grrr. But they are on the improve and I did get a bunch of wrapping done while sitting home-actually it was quite a nice way to spend a sick day...the rainy fog outside, me in my sweatpants, wrapping and watching a couple of real old movies- White Christmas and  the Shop Around the Corner.
Was the perfect recharge kind of day.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erika,

    This is really cool! I'm trying to do something similar but am failing miserably. LOL. Some years are like that.

    I especially love the hanging stars - it's lovely!


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