Monday, December 10, 2012

Pretty Holiday Views

How about a few views of Boston decked out in her holiday splendor? 
We went into the city Saturday for a hockey game. This is  at Quincy Market and you can see the old colonial architecture juxtaposed against the modern skyscrapers. That's what I love about Boston- the old and the new. It is such a historical place- a big city that is not too big.
And a short walk away is the North End. This area has lots of narrow little streets and is now full of delicious Italian Restaurants and bakeries.
We went to La Familigia Georgio (hopefully that is spelled correctly) to eat and it was delicious. We had so much food left over my brother-in-law actually took the subway back to where we parked  to drop off the 2 bags of leftovers. I have enough food for probably another 3 meals just from my dish alone.
above-Here's more of the North End. I'll show you some of the yummy bakeries another time.
After dinner we walked back to Quincy Market. Here's a few more views.

Hope you enjoyed your mini-tour of this great city.
I have some more photos for another view another day.
Thanks for visiting.

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